June — Every Tuesday four of our seminarians have been going to the St. Peter’s Literacy School to teach the children the basic elements of religious education.


4 June — Celebration of Pentecost – the Feast of the Holy Spirit Seminary. The Solemn Eucharist was presided over by the bishop of Bereina, Rochus Tatamai – the newly elected president of the Catholic Bishops Conference. The celebration was extended by a social gathering with lunch and artistic performances.


10 June — Recollection day facilitated by Fr. Justin Ain from the diocese of Wabag. The topic of the day: „Beyond the Horizon”.


12 June — The Queen’s Birthday was a public holiday. Our seminary community went to enjoy a visit and picnic at the Adventure Park.


18 June — Celebration of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ with the Eucharistic procession to the four altars in the compound of the seminary.
