October — Every day in October – the month of Mary Our Lady – our seminarians and priests accompanied the parishioners of the Holy Name of Jesus Parish and prayed Rosary in the settlements of the Bomana compound and at different colleges.


2 October — During a meeting with the seminarians, Dr. Uma Ambi presented the problem of the stress in our lives and indicated how to deal and manage these emotions.


18 October — After the meeting of the Holy Seminary Board, Bishop Donald Lippert OFM Cap. presided over the Eucharist and installed 19 new acolytes from the Holy Spirit Seminary and other religious colleges.


20 October — The seminarians and priests visited the Jewish farm producing the vegetables at 9 Mile.


25 October — We planted 42 new trees at the seminary compound: Mango Rabaul, Mango Apple, Jackfruit, Star Fruit, Guava and Sour Sop.


27 October — We had a guided visit at the National Parliament House.
