2-3 February – Introductory and planning days; presentation and discussion on the seminary formation program 2024 and other documents regulating the life of the seminary. On 2 February we concluded the day, the feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, by celebration of the Eucharist at the grotto.
5 February – Celebration of the birthday of Fr. Marcin, the spiritual director.
5-9 February – Annual retreat facilitated by Fr. Gregorio Bicomong SDB.
10 February – Solemn opening of the formation year 2024 with the Eucharist celebrated by archbishop of Port Moresby Sir John Card. Ribat, who celebrated his birthday. During this Mass we celebrated the official handover of the outgoing (Austine Lus) and incoming (William Bai) seminarians’ presidents with the words of thanksgiving and promises. The evening continued with a dinner and a social program.
14 February – Ash Wednesday – we began Lent time with the Eucharist and imposing of the ashes on our heads in the seminary and in the chapels of Bomana parish.
16 February – Visit to Ela Beach and St. Mary’s Cathedral in Port Moresby
23 February – Stations of the Cross from the seminary church to the top of „Spy Mountain”.
View of Holy Spirit Seminary from „Spy Mountain” > big picture.
25 February – All our community paid the last respects and prayed for the late Martin Wambivanda, our laundryman. The coffin with his body came to the Holy Spirit Seminary, before being sent to his village.
25 February – We solemnly celebrated birthdays of our seminarians born in January and February.
26 February – Michael Somare Day. We enjoyed this day off in the Adventure Park, visiting, playing games and having a BBQ lunch.
1 March – Our seminarians, along with priests, visited the National Museum in Port Moresby. Mr. Patricia Sosori explained the resources of the museum from different regions of PNG.
9 March – A group of 20 seminarians with the rector went to Moresby Arts Theatre for the play Taurama. Since 15 March, each Friday of the Lent we celebrate the Stations of the Cross in our chapel or compound, even going to the top of the “Spy Mountain,” meditating on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
17 March – Holy Spirit Seminary brothers are preparing the parishioners from Sabusa chapel to receive the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Marriage. Each Sunday our seminarians are going for pastoral activities to ten of the Bomana Holy Name of Jesus parish, are going to Radio Maria for Bible or vocations sharing, or are staying to perform the pastoral activities at our Holy Spirit Seminary.
22 March – Our seminarians visited the neighbouring Mt. Eriama Water Treatment Plant. The visit was guided by the director, Mr John Kepui, who explained in detail how the water from the river is becoming the tasty potable water we are using in our houses.
24 March – Palm Sunday procession and Eucharist was in Bush Wara chapel, outstation of Bomana parish.
25 March – Doctors Walley and Margaret from the Department of Health informed our seminarians about the presence, threats, and prevention of the TB (tuberculosis) disease.
26 March – Chrism Mass at St. Joseph’s Parish presided over by Sir John Card. Ribat, the archbishop of Port Moresby in presence of the clergy, religious, and seminarians.
28-30 March – Triduum Sacrum was celebrated as the community of all colleges whose seminarians attend the intellectual formation at the Catholic Theological Institute. Holy Thursday Lord’s Super with washing of the feet and a procession to the chapel of repose was celebrated by the rector of the Holy Spirit Seminary, Fr. Jacek Tendej CM. On Good Friday the Passion of Christ was presided over by the president of the rector of MSC College, Fr. Gregory Ruamana MSC. On Holy Saturday we had a small Polish liturgical accent – the blessing of the food for the Easter breakfast of a Polish family living in Port Moresby. And the Easter Vigil, with a great bonfire, was presided by Fr. Al Carver OFM Cap., the rector of the Capuchin College. The Triduum liturgy was celebrated also at the chapels of Bomana parish.
1 April – On Easter Monday all our seminary community went for a picnic to the beach in Kouderika to enjoy the free day, play sports, swim in the sea, and have a good lunch.
6 April – Two priests from Vatican: Fr. Guy Bognon, the secretary general of POSPA (Pontifical Office of St. Peter the Apostle), and his assistant, Fr. Alessandro Brandi, visited our seminary. POSPA is an organization subsidizing and taking care of the seminaries in the missionary countries. Both the priests met our seminarians and celebrated the Eucharist (baptizing around 20 children and youth in our seminary chapel) and in the parish chapel in Laloki. In the afternoon they visited the Adventure Park as well.
12 April – The seminary community went to the National Parliament House for a visit of the building and dialog with Mr. David, the guide of our group.
All the bishops of PNG who gathered in Port Moresby for the annual meeting came to the Holy Spirit Seminary for the celebration of the Eucharist and dinner, having opportunity to spend time and talk with their seminarians.
28 April – Celebration of the birthdays of the seminarians born in April. Each last Sunday of the month we have this celebration.
13 May – Seminarians who remained in the seminary during the term break went on a one day outing to Gaire Beach for refreshments and to get new energy for the second term of formation.
19 May – We celebrated Pentecost, the annual feast day of the Holy Spirit Seminary. Archbishop of Port Moresby Sir John Card. Ribat presided over the Eucharist with the homily of Fr. Gregory Ruamana. This Mass was broadcasted by NBC TV. After the liturgical celebration we had a social gathering with speeches, performances, and lunch for around a thousand participants.
25-26 May – Group of our seminarians with the rector went to Boregaina for the parish feast of the Holy Trinity. On Saturday Fr. Jacek baptized a group of children and another group received the First Holy Communion. On Sunday during the main celebration another group received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
30-31 May – Visit to the South Pacific Brewery. The guides showed us the process of production and packaging of their products.
2 June – Celebration of the Solemnity of Corpus Christi presided by Fr. Marcin Wróbel CM, the spiritual director, with the Eucharistic procession to the four altars in the compound of the seminary. In our Brown River chapel we celebrated the First Communion of the children.
12 June – Investiture ceremony during the Eucharist presided over by Archbishop of Port Moresby Sir John Card. Ribat who blessed the new cassocks. Eight of our seminarians received the cassocks for the first time.
14 June – The representatives of the Missio Aachen Pontifical Mission Society: the President Fr. Dirk Bingener, with the collaborators, Ms. Katja Heidemanns, the head of donor service, and Ms. Hanna Vandenbergh from the department of education, visited our seminary. Missio is financially helping us in maintenance and purchasing new equipment. The delegation visited the buildings of the Catholic Theological Institute and Holy Spirit Seminary. We also had time for discussion, solemn traditional welcome by our seminarians, the Eucharist presided by Fr. Zenon Szablowinski, the president of CTI, and finally the dinner with an address to our seminarians and responding to the questions.
17 June – King’s Birthday is a public holiday in Papua New Guinea, so instead of classes, all our community went to Kuriva and relaxed, playing soccer, rugby, volleyball, badminton and swimming in the river, concluding the outing day with a picnic lunch.
1 July – Elections of the new SRC (Students Representative Council) of the Holy Spirit Seminary. For the second part of the academic year the following were elected: Berry Tabokom from the diocese of Vanimo (president), Isaac Grai from the diocese of Kundiawa (vice-president), and Lawrence Tumae from the diocese of Bougainville (secretary).
2 July – As happened two years ago, Dr. Norbert Rehlis, director of the dental clinics in Port Moresby, along with his collaborating doctors, presented a lecture about dental care to our seminarians. After the presentation three of his assistants did a very professional dental check up, preparing those who need it for their dental treatment.
3 July – Farewell dinner at Holy Spirit Seminary dining hall to say goodbye and thank you to Brandon and Rebecca Zimmerman and their children. After ten years of service at Good Shepherd Seminary and Catholic Theological Institute, Brandon as lecturer and dean of studies and Rebecca as librarian, they decided to return to the United States, their home country.
4 July – We started to have western style dinners with the seminarians in small groups with story telling.
7 July – After the Sunday Mass, veneration of the relics of Blessed Peter Torot (first PNG blessed martyr) and Blessed Ulma Family (Polish martyrs family from the time of Second World War) in the day of their liturgical commemoration.
8 July – Presentation of the seminary office bearers’ reports from the of the first six months of the year. And handover/takeover, proclamation of the new officers for the second part of the year of formation.
21 July – Fr. Solomon Akaya celebrated the 8th year anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. He was ordained priest on the 22nd of July 2016. Currently he is the vice rector of Holy Spirit Seminary Bomana.
28 July – Birthday celebration of the brothers born in July.
29 July – Meeting and presentation about chaplaincy by the invited person Christine Tsuga, an experience teacher and school principal.
11 August – On Sundays after the Eucharistic celebration and lunch some seminarians with formators are going for jogging or claiming. On this Sunday we went to Mt. Bisoco in Laloki with our dean of studies.
13 August – Began a second term break – time of rest, relax and pastoral experiences in the communities of Arch/Dioceses of Port Moresby, Bereina and Kerema. On the pictures seminaries and formators in Kerema.
22-23 August – We concluded our second term break with a two days Workshop on Synodality, facilitated by Mrs. Grace Wrakia. Mrs. Grace was representing Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island in Rome last year during the synthesis session on Synodality. She shared with us her experience and knowledge on this important topic for the Church. It was a time for us to be reminded of the importance of collaboration within the Church between all members; that the Church and her mission is a common responsibility of all the members. We look forward to the fruits of the synodal process which will be concluded this year in October.
25 August – Birthday celebration of the brothers born in August.
2 September – Magdalena Wolinska Riedi, a Polish journalist working in the Vatican for the television company EWTN, gave a talk to the seminarians about her life and the preparation of the Papal visit to PNG. She also visited some of the historical places like Yule Island where the first Mass was celebrated in 1885.
6 September – arrival of His Holiness Pope Francis. Thousands of the Catholic faithful, including priests, seminarians and religious, together with the government dignitaries were crowded at the APEC terminal to welcome the pope. Parishioners of the archdiocese were welcoming the pope along the road up to the gate of the Nunciature.
7 September – Pope Francis had a meeting with the government leaders and business houses in the Apec House downtown. After the meeting, Pope Francis then visited the Caritas girls school and met the street children. In the evening Pope Francis met with the bishops, priests, religious, seminarians and the catechists at the sanctuary of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
8 September – The Eucharistic celebration at the Sir John Guise Stadium was presided over by His Holiness Pope Francis and concelebrated by His Eminence Sir John Cardinal Ribat MSC, archbishop of Port Moresby, and many other bishops and priests. Over 35 thousand Catholic faithful attended the Mass.
9 September – Afternoon formation session, Fr. Solomon invited Fr. Eugene, a Vocation director of Madang archdiocese, together with Sr. Ophelia, a formator and lecturer at St. Fidelis Minor Seminary to give a talk to the seminarians.
16 September – Celebration of Independence Day of PNG. In the morning we had a flag raising and a short speech given by the SRC vice president of CTI, Victor Kali. After the flag raising we had a thanksgiving mass. After the mass seminarians went to town to join the official celebration.
23 September – Formation session by Fr. Rector, who gave a presentation on money management. It was useful and interesting to the seminarians because it will be useful in the future when they will be assigned to look after the finances of a parish or any institution; it needs transparency.
27 September – We celebrated the feast of St. Vincent de Paul. We began with the Eucharist presided over by Fr Marcin Wrobel CM. Then we had a dinner with invited priests, sisters and seminarians from the neighboring colleges.
29 September – We celebrated the Feast of the Archangel Michael, the patron saint of PNG,. We celebrated it together with the birthdays of the brothers born in September.
1 October – We began the Month of the Rosary. Some of the brothers were assigned to give talks about Mother Mary after the procession before the final blessing of the priest.
5 October – The seminary had a reconciliation ceremony with Joe, the son-in-law of Morris. The ceremony was done in a Melanesian way. The seminary gave one pig, one bag of rice, banana, betel nut etc... On the 13th of September the brothers had fought the son-in-law of Morris.
6 October – Mama Mary visited our seminary community. All seminarians gathered at the front of St. Paul’s to welcome Mama Mary.
16 October – Meeting of the Episcopal Board – Governing Council of the Holy Spirit Seminary. The members are (from the left): Fr. Solomon Akaya (vice-rector), (vice-rector), Bp. Donald Lippert OFM Cap. (Mendi), Bp. Rolando Santos CM (Alotau), Fr. Jacek Tendej CM (rector) and Fr. Zenon Szablowinski SVD (president of CTI). The Chair Sir John Cardinal Ribat MSC (Port Moresby) was absent, traveled to Europe. The Board listened to the members of the staff of the seminary presenting their reports, discussed them, and made decisions concerning the formation life in the seminary.
17 October – Our two water tanks were empty. The water pressure was very poor, and it could not pump the water into our tanks. Each day Fr. Rector fetched 1000 litres of water from the Sivarai Namoma Pastoral Centre for drinking and washing. Water was also provided by Mauri Ranu company.
22 October – We celebrated the memorial of St. John Paul II. After the final blessing seminarians were lined up to venerate the relics of St. John Paul II. Fr. Rector was the main celebrant.
27 October – We celebrated the birthdays of the brothers who born on the months of October, November and December.
30 October – We had the two Michaelite priests, the Superior General, Fr. Dariusz Wilk, and the treasurer general, Fr. Giorge Sosnicki, paying a visit to the seminary and also meeting the Michaelite seminarians who are residing with us here at Holy Spirit Seminary.
31 October – we ended the Month of Rosary with the Holy Eucharist at the parish. Fr. Joseph Tuan Cm was the celebrant and the acolytes one and two were Br. Constantine Ruari and Joseph Palme. After the Mass we had a little food prepared by the mothers.
1 November – We concluded the Holy Spirit Seminary sports competition in rugby and soccer.
2 November – On the day of the memorial of All Souls we celebrated the Eucharist and prayed for our departed brothers and sisters in the Bomana War Cemetery. The celebration was presided over by the Fr. Nelson Mathew from Mendi, the lecturer of Canon Low.
13 November – The thanksgiving celebration for the successful formation year and for concluding a period of study: nine of our brother graduated from philosophical study: Michael Nama, Tony Kol, Jeddy Suimiangan, Alphonse Ailas, Japeth Hasamana, Frank Louis, Christopher Taliur, Elizah Wana and Adolf Tongala; and thirteen from theological study, concluding the time of seminary formation: Isaac Unakau, William Bai, Joseph Palme, Constantine Ruarri, Isaac Joseph, Sylvester Kuk, Jacob Tumun, Matthew Timbalu, Matthew Gona, Newman Kundal, James Mal Austine Lus and Martin Peter. After the solemn Eucharistic celebration presided over by His Eminence Sir John Cardinal Ribat, we had a solemn dinner with many speeches and artistic programs, and each of the graduates received a certificate of appreciation.
16 November – Graduation Day at the Catholic Theological Institute had two events: the Eucharist presided over by Archbishop of Port Moresby, Sir John Card. Ribat MSC, DD, KBE, and the graduation ceremony with the keynote speech by Bishop of Kerema Pedro Baquero SDB.